WATCH Capitals Brett Connolly attempted to give a puck to young girl and it was an emotional rollercoaster

As a young sports fan, the joy of getting a souvenir at a sporting event is sometimes overwhelming Rodney Miller Jr. Jersey . It's one of the most desirable outcomes from a night at the stadium or arena, so narrowly mi sing out on that opportunity can be heartbreaking.It looked like a little girl at Sunday's Capitals-Blue Jackets playoff game might have to endure such a heartbreak in pregame warmups, but persistence and determination from Washington's led to a happy ending. Prior to Game 3, Connolly was warming up when he spotted the young Caps fan in the first row. The winger decided to make her day Miami Hurricanes Jersey by to sing her a puck over the gla s. Or at least he tried.That puck was snatched out of mid-air by one of the grown men standing behind the girl, and he immediately handed it to a little boy beside her. The little girl was visibly bummed, so Connolly tried again. But the second puck was once again snatched by that adult Anthony Mack Jersey man, then handed to another young boy on the other side of the little girl.What the hell, dude? At this point, Connolly became frustrated, as he was clearly signaling the souvenir to be intended for the girl from the very beginning. He banged on the gla s to the ensure the girl that he was going to get her a puck, and finally the third time was the charm.There was some discu sion between announcers that maybe the grown gentleman (using that word loosely) intentionally orchestrated the order of gifts to make sure all three of "his kids" would get a puck. But, upon further inspection, the young girl might not have even been that dude's Deng Gak Jersey daughter.After finally getting a puck, she turned around and excitedly showed it to someone clearly standing behind that guy. But regardle s of whether or not the guy had any relation to the young girl, it's pretty annoying that he insisted on giving out pucks to the boys and making Connolly to s three when Frank Gore Jersey it was pretty clear that the girl was the intended recipient. But, in the end, I suppose all that matters is that Connolly stuck with it and the result was three very happy kids. Although, had he given up, it would have provided the young girl with an important le son: As good as the odds may seem, never trust the to deliver in the postseason.
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